
This Is Where We'll Build

Stop me if you've heard this before - two geek writers, of relatively sound, rational mind, decide to grace the Internet with their musings on life, love, politics, but mainly, Movies, Music, Comics, and Geek Life/Ephemera.

So what's the difference between Jarad Matula & Marshall Hopkins, the founders of Punching Reality, and other geek blogs? What do we bring that isn't covered by Anders, Knowles, Wheaton, Scalzi, McWeeney, Polo and so many, many others?

Nerd Rage with Rationale.

We ARE fan boys. We are the ones shouting out at no one about how the fucking butler in Spider-Man 3 just suddenly spills out all of the details of the last three movies to Harry and… calming down. But, in the comments and talkbacks where the person asks that we wait to see at least a trailer before we judge a movie will suck, blow or is teh fail – that’s us, too.

Hell, we'll even take movies that most people hate, and tell you why you should love them.

An even-keeled, and logical voice - screaming for sense and perspective in an otherwise overly passionate audience; a calm voice amongst the fury. And if you see us rant and rave about something, we'll give you a damn good reason why we are, not just "because it sucks" or "because it's awesome". We'll also be fair and open to bias. Let's say we were in a bad mood for the film/album/show/game that we're reviewing. We're your humble comentators and correspondents, and we'll accept your opinions - and for God's sake! - If you have legitimate facts that prove us wrong, we'll be happy to eat humble pie if you can prove it.

We're not just opening this blog to comment, to display some of our work and let the world see it. We're letting you into some of the hopefully funny, ruefully offensive, likely dirty, intentionally insightful, and always thought out conversations that we would be having anyway. 

We'd like to let everybody in on the fun.

So, by now you're asking, "Yeah, but who the hell are you?"

Jarad Matula and Marshall Hopkins are both graduates from The University of Texas (officially scientists in Communications), both screenwriters, lovers (not remotely of each other; don't get it twisted), fighters, arguers, & whisky drinkers. Matula, in high school was a Newspaper editor, Actor, Writer, and Producer. Hopkins, wrote, produced, directed, or hosted a bi-monthly TV talk show that aired on the school district cable access channel.

Each attended U.T., and met smoking cigarettes, our inner 'irascible, old Southern' men finding each other, and like Ossie Davis and Jack Lemon - first co-wrote a treatment that would bring Corey Feldman back to the Friday The 13th Franchise. (WE MAINTAIN – It could work.)

We began to write from different cities in the winter of 2006. Always via GoogleChat (ty, google). We traded concepts and ideas, stray thoughts and mad plots over the span of America. We finished our first script together in exactly one month. That's how well we clicked. We found a way to allow our friendship to survive our working partnership, and vice-versa.

It isn't always easy, and sometimes it’s a good thing we're working from distance so we can't punch each other like the Gallagher Bros. But both endure brilliantly.

At some point, we decided that writing scripts wasn't enough - there was simply too much to say, & too much to convey to the world. And that brings us to what you see before you.

So, what will you see? Our reviews, our comments, our wild, wild feelings - but, as we said, some thought, some insight. Sometimes, we'll simply ask whomever out there a question, just to know. We may present an errant screenplay idea or parts of our work.

All we want to do is talk with you, and Entertain You. So, get out your Captain Midnight decoder ring and Alons-Y!

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