
Come See Their Laser Rays... Fire AWAY!!!

What is it about lasers and ray guns that captures our imaginations? Why does every geeky boy have at least one ray gun that he's always wanted (also, can be exchanged for swords).

My favorite Ray Gun goes to the first movie I ever saw in theaters, Transformers: The Movie (1986). More than Han Solo firing wildly at Storm Troopers, this movie had the greatest ray gun moment of all time (and The Touch).

Near the beginning, after Optimus Prime has resolved to stop Megatron ("No matter the cost!"), he jets off from his useless, for-show, trailer, and begins blasting Decepticons from 800 feet in the air before landing on his feet WITHOUT. EVER. MISSING. A. SHOT. 

Screw Bay, Bruckheimer, and all of that overly complex CG. THAT is my Optimus Prime.

Den of Geek has a great article celebrating the Sci-Fi Ray Gun here! Enjoy!

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