
Dark Knight Rises Casting revealed... Again!

From CNN.com's The Marquee Blog - A bit of casting news announcing the characters Joseph Gordon-Levitt (a veteran actor of increasing skill) and Marion Cotillard (a ferocious actress who can break your heart) in the 3rd and final chapter of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, 'The Dark Knight Rises'.

Instead of the Riddler, Gordon-Levitt has actually been cast as a Gotham City cop, with his "Inception" co-star Marion Cotillard also signing on as an employee of Bruce Wayne's corporation.

The funny thing is, Nolan the fact that he would play a Cop on Gordon's detail, and she a Wayne Ent. board member were said when the casting was jointly first announced. The speculation over TDKR has grown more outrageous than for The Dark Knight.

Next, there will be speculation that some unknown stuntman is playing Killer Croc.

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