
Catwoman or Bullshit

Lovely tush, but is it Hathaway,
Stunt Double or Con attendee?

AICN is running with a story that they followed another set of nebulous and MIT level sleuthing clues to discover this pic of Catwoman from The Dark Knight Rises. (Similar to the hunt for the first sneak peak at Bane a week or two ago).

People all over are already call Bull, and though I love and respect the guys at AICN for being innovators, I've think they've been scammed. After NBC passed on Wonder Woman specifically because (among other reasons) the outfit looked plastic, and cheap, I have serious doubts that Nolan would make anywhere close to a similar choice.

Besides, the goggles give it away. It's entirely too yellow and cartoonish to be in the Nolan-Verse.
Still, its a lovely model to look at, aint it?


Badass Emeritus: Gene Hackman


What you are about to read is a forceful and emphatic examination of why, no matter what movie you’re watching, no matter what era of performance you’re seeing, Gene Hackman never fucking sucks.
This isn’t a debate. This is not an argument. We are not inviting your insight. This is a fact. This is a maxim statement of undeniable veracity – Gene Hackman never sucks.

Official Designation: BADASS EMERITUS

Riddle Me This: When is a Doctor Who Story Not a Doctor Who Story?

ANS: When it doesn't matter if the Doctor is in it or not.
Hello Gang - the episode we've chosen to begin our reviews of Doctor Whofills us with consternation.
Firstly, as far as Doctor Who goes, "The Rebel Flesh" is not the worst since the show was revived, but it may very well be the worst of Matt Smith's run (in a tie with Vampires of Venice), primarily because he seems almost an adjunct. Secondly, because it's part one of a two-parter, so it's meant to frustrate, and hopefully many things will be explained and resolved as it's clear there are threads for the future.

DEFENDING THE INDEFENSIBLE: Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Welcome to the first edition of Defending the Indefensible, where we argue on behalf of movies, music, and television shows – or most ANYTHING that most people hate.
We’re dumpster diver types (not really) and children of the 80s where any shitty movie in the bargain VHS bin could be a little beautiful turd blossom of a movie that you never would have considered before.
We can’t guarantee turd blossoms. We may not change your mind – And feel free to tell us if you think it still sucks in the chat reply – but we hope you can see a little something good in the horrible. We start with something recent, and amongst geeks probably more than 50% reviled.
It involves powerhouses – LEGENDS – doing something once thought perfect, inviolable. A very famous rape scene exists involving what the geek community thought in the aftermath of this film’s release…


PRP Runs BarterTown


All those who oppose our might will be purged from existence itself! I shall rule a wasteland of devestation and the broken souls of manki-

What? It didn't happen?

I Pray... I Pray that everyone in America remembers the lead up to May 21st, and that all American children are taught about Harold Camping...

So that the next time some lamebrained moron tries to argue that Christians aren't or cannot be fanatical, and dangerous whackjobs, but Muslims can - we can all turn to, and laugh at - Harold Camping. Great job, Harold. You may not go to Hell, but you'll definitely sit in the corner with a Dunce cap on for eternity.


Get Your Rapture On - A Soundtrack for Armageddon

No, not "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" on repeat. This is a playlist in honor of this day, May 21st, 2011. The last day at the end of the world! Enjoy!


Dark Knight Rises Casting revealed... Again!

From CNN.com's The Marquee Blog - A bit of casting news announcing the characters Joseph Gordon-Levitt (a veteran actor of increasing skill) and Marion Cotillard (a ferocious actress who can break your heart) in the 3rd and final chapter of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, 'The Dark Knight Rises'.

Instead of the Riddler, Gordon-Levitt has actually been cast as a Gotham City cop, with his "Inception" co-star Marion Cotillard also signing on as an employee of Bruce Wayne's corporation.

The funny thing is, Nolan the fact that he would play a Cop on Gordon's detail, and she a Wayne Ent. board member were said when the casting was jointly first announced. The speculation over TDKR has grown more outrageous than for The Dark Knight.

Next, there will be speculation that some unknown stuntman is playing Killer Croc.